

Humanimaliving® 人間+動物+生活の友和

画家 田中聖子

Seiko Tanaka

Born in 1981


1993年広池学園 麗澤瑞浪中学入学。
Aoba Japan International School Tokyo Japanに転入、卒業。
ボストン郊外の私立高校 Wilbraham Monson Academy (MA) に進学しデッサン絵画等を本格的に学び、2000年Eveline Barber Departmental Prize for Drawing を受賞、卒業。
Pratt Institute(NY)芸術大学に入学。同時多発テロに遭遇、帰国、
2001年フィラデルフィアが本校のTemple University Tokyo Japan 芸術学部に編入、2007年卒業。
2004年Temple University Rome Italy 短期留学。
2005年在学中に商標登録『 Humanimaliving ®』人間+動物+生活の友和 自身独自のスタイルを創始。

2016年全国美術公募展、上野の森 東京都美術館 《Belladonna Art展》 【入選】、

2017年全国公募展、六本木国立新美術館 第73回 現代美術家協会《現展》【入選】初出展での【会友推挙】、

2018年全国公募展、六本木国立新美術館 第74回 現代美術家協会《現展》2年連続【入選】、

2019年全国公募展、六本木国立新美術館 第75回記念展 現代美術家協会《現展》【クサカベ賞受賞】、【準会員推挙】3年連続【入選】

最近の個展経歴、聖路加国際病院 聖路加画廊、西武百貨店 船橋 特設会場 等、
千葉県鎌ヶ谷【旧庭園イタリアン Doctore】、【ギャラリーカフェCAFE RONCO】の店舗、
ギャラリーカフェ CAFE RONCOにて自身の絵画常設販売ギャラリー。合羽橋 老舗 "MITSUYA"にて自身の常設販売ミニギャラリー。
絵画の世界から飛び出し一緒に暮らせるモノづくりを、1927年創業ローソクの老舗、国内最大手メーカー、『カメヤマローソク』コラージュキャンドル類、創業1753年、京都の老舗呉服屋”河内屋”監修の京丹後織 馬人シルククッション等、いろいろな形にて表現しております。

1993年 広池学園 麗澤瑞浪中学 入学
1997年 Aoba Japan International School Tokyo Japan 卒業
1998年 ボストン郊外の私立高校 Wilbraham Monson Academyに入学、自身のアトリエにてデザイン絵画等を本格的に学ぶ Eveline Barber Departmental Prize for Drawingを受賞(2000年)
2000年 ニューヨークのPratt Institute芸術大学に入学しましたが、同時多発テロに遭遇、日本に帰国
2001年 フィラデルフィアが本校のTemple University Tokyo Japan 芸術学部に編入
2004年 イタリア、ローマ、Temple University Rome Italy 短期留学

“Humanimaliving® 人間+動物+生活の友和 を立ち上げる。

2007年 Temple University Tokyo Japan 卒業


商標登録 "Humanimaliving®"の独創的な世界



Human (人)+Animal(動物)+Living(生活)の【友和】







私の全ての作品テーマである、「Humanimaliving®」「ヒューマンアニマルリビング」を表現したものでございます。Human (人)+Animal(動物)+Living(生活)を一つの言葉に融合させたもののこと表します。いろんな人、動物、自然、食べ物、建物、家具、道具、生きているもの、そうでないもの、みんなそれぞれには、魂があって、思い、個性、色があり、共に生かされております。人間と動物と生活のルーペを通して見ると、奥深い麗しさ、楽しさ、優雅さ、が心の中から満ちあふれる様に願った作品でございます。




Artist Statement:
Art is my identity, my way of expressing, and the comfortable forms of communication and connection with other people. Using pen as a tool to sketch freely, I begin a piece by sketching unconsciously. Then I use different vivid multi-layers of colors and shapes. The colors are layered with paints of different transparency to express depth. By layering paints using brushes of different widths in millimeters, the colors blend from a distance, and the vibrant colors overflow into the viewer'seyes when up close.
My paintings are auspicious. My work represents the “Modern auspicious art work.” I paint traditional Japanese signs of happiness, auspicious and joyous patterns, wishing for the happiness of everyone who sees them. The painting expresses Humanimaliving®, which is the theme of all my works. Humanimaliving® is a term I made when I was a university student back in 2005, which is a portmanteau of the words "humans," "animals," and "life." My artworks are powerful, comical, and affectionate. Representing the happiness and gratitude. Wishing for the world peace, and everyday happiness.
My original world ”Humanimaliving®” -The harmony of both “Human”,”Animal” and ”Life” present living and breathing creatures on canvases. I use colors, and textures to express dynamic and organic forms. I emphasize in my paintings the complex feelings of animal, human being and living life style around us. My work reflects upon our intricate relationship with the environment. Expressing the feelings that each human being has an individual face and personality. Animals too have different appearances and characters. Things around us have feelings, souls, and that living creatures are all alike in that way.
I want people to shrink and enter into my world of “Humanimaliving” physically as well as emotionally.

Seiko Tanaka,
Born in Japan 1981
Since kindergarden she went abroad in different countries to study Art, English, Cooking, and Horseback riding. These experiences made her bases and influenced her to become an artist. She is a painter.
In1997, she graduated the Aoba Japan International School Tokyo, entered to Wilbraham and Monson Academy, private high school in MA, USA. She focused on studying painting and drawing. In May 2000, she recieved the Eveline Barber Departmental Prize for the drawing section. In September 2000, she entered Pratt Institute in NYC. Because of the 911, on later transferred to the Temple University Tokyo Japan, 2004 summer Temple University Rome Italy, and in 2007 graduated Temple University.
In 2005, she designed and produced the cuisine “Japanese Garden Italiano Doctore”and in 2015 she designed “GALLERY CAFERONCO.” At Doctore Gallery, she also exhibited”Humanimal,” for her first solo exhibition. In 2017 the “Humanimaliving” Registered as a trademark. Every year since 2017, selected “GENTEN ART”exhibition at National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi. In 2019 “God of the Sea” Selected 75th “GENTEN ART” exhibition, and Recieved 《KUSAKABE Award》 at the National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi. In 2020 Selected for the《Feature young modern artist》THE NIKKEI, NIKKEI ART. “FUJIUMA” and ”Poodleman” series were showed in 《THE NIKKEI》 News paper. In 2022 “FUJIUMA-FUYU” made the Cover of the NIKKEI CLUB Magazine.
She also designed and produced Animal T-Shirts, bags, accessories, and interiors. With the world well known candle company “KAMEYAMA CANDLE” she made the collaboration with her paintings and Kameyama Candle. Also with the Well-established KYOTO KIMONO drape Company “KAWACHIYA” which established in 1753, she made the collaboratation with KYO-TANGO weave silk cushion called
Presently, she is a painter, Humanimaliving® designer, and Senior art director. Especially, in “GALLERY CARE RONCO” as her Permanent Exhibition Gallery. She is expressing the world of “Humanimaliving” in many different way.


2007 Temple University, Tokyo / BA Candidate in Art Concentration in Digital Media
2004 Temple University, Rome
2002 Temple University, Tokyo
2000 Pratt Institute, NY /Major in Fine Art, Communication  Design 

Exhibition 個展・グループ展・公募展・デザイン

次回 2024/ 5 / 29 ~ 6 / 10

selected for ”80th Anniversary GENTEN”ART Exhibition 第80回記念 現代美術家協会 現展《入選》、《会員推挙》

National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
2023/ 5 / 31 ~ 6 / 12

selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition 第79回 現代美術家協会 現展《入選》

National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
2023/ 5 / 18 ~ 5 / 26 Selected 40th TUJ anniversary alumni ART Exhibition,
Temple University Japan Campus
2022/ 6 / 1 ~ 6 / 13

selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition 第78回 現代美術家協会 現展《入選》

National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
2022/ 2 / 13 朝刊 全国紙 日本経済新聞 日経グループからのお知らせ《富士馬 HARU》掲載
THE NIKKEI, News paper
2022/ 1


2021/ 10 / 22 ~ 10 / 31

selected【ALDILA】International Contemporary Exhibition,

Milano MADS Gallery, Italy and Fuertventura, Spain,
2021/ 6 / 2 ~ 6 / 7

selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition 第77回 現代美術家協会 現展《入選》

National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
2021/ 5 /24 selected《Feature Artist》特別新企画 第一回【注目のアーティスト特集】感性豊かな若きアーティスト田中聖子、
2021/ 5 / 17 朝刊 全国紙 日本経済新聞 日経グループからのお知らせ《プードルマンブルー》掲載
THE NIKKEI, News paper
2020/ 12 / 28 朝刊 全国紙 日本経済新聞 日経グループからのお知らせ《富士馬Ⅲ》掲載
THE NIKKEI, News paper
2020/ 9/15 selected for 《Feature young modern Artist》若き現代アーティスト 田中聖子、日本経済新聞 日経アート、美術 芸術品厳選2020年9月、10月企画号 掲載
2020/ 7/ 6 ~ 7 / 18 《COVID-19 アーティストの視点》展 出展
SHIMON Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
2020/ 2/ 10 ~ 2 / 15 selected for 《AXIS EAST 2020》新鋭作家たちの展覧会【選抜】
ART APACE RASHINBAN Gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo, Japan
2019/ 11/ 20 ~ 11 / 25 selected for 《GENTEN 100 Artists》第75回記念 企画展《現展100人展》【選抜】
Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
2019/ 10/ 7 ~ 10 / 30 HIMARI Charity Art Exhibition "brings you lots of hapiness" チャリティーアート展に参加
HIMARIKAN, Inzai, Chiba, Japan
2019/ 5 / 29 ~ 6 / 10 selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition, Received "KUSAKABE" Award and recommended Associate member 第75回記念展 現代美術家協会 現展 《クサカベ賞受賞》、《準会員推挙》、《入選》
National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
2019/ 1 / 7 ~ 1 / 12

2019 New Year Ginza GENTEN ART fair,2019年新春アートフェアー

"Gallery Shimon", Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
2018/ 9 / 1 ~ 2020 Mini-Solo Gallery and Shop
MITSUYA, Kappabashi, Tokyo, Japan
2018/ 8 "everyday happiness"1 painting specially for Mr.NOBU Matsuhisa
Matsuhisa restaurant, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, USA
2018/ 5 / 30 ~ 6 / 11 selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition  第74回 現代美術家協会 現展《入選》
National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
2017/ 10 / 23 ~ 10 / 28 Selected very first TUJ alumni and faculty ART Exhibition, “Mediation”
UltraSuperNew Gallery, Jingumae, Tokyo, Japan
2017/ 5 / 31 ~ 6 / 12 selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition and recommended to the rank of ”KAIYU” 第73回 現代美術家協会 現展《初出展 入選》《会友推挙》
National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
2017/ 3 / 24 ~ 3 / 27 Collaboration with Modern Head Chef Mr.OKUDA x Humanimaliving® SOLO Exhibition 個展
Ristorante Kunitachi BUNRYU, Kunitachi,Tokyo, Japan
2016/ 11 / 22 ~ 11 / 27 CHIBA GENTEN 出展 
"Chiba Prefectural Museum of Art", Chiba, Japan
2016/ 11 / 8 ~ 11 / 14 Humanimaliving® SOLO SHOW 個展 
"IMAGE MAKER" Hair salon, Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan
2016/ 10 / 6 ~ 2019/ 12/ 1 Apsey dog salon x Humanimaliving® Shop
Apsey dog salon, Itabashi, Tokyo, Japan
2016/ 10 / 6 《Apsey dog salon》Logo design
Apsey dog salon, Itabashi, Tokyo, Japan
2016/ 6 / 23 ~ 2018/ 7/10 《Kameyama Candle house x Humanimaliving Candle》
Kameyama Candle house, Aoyamai, Tokyo, Japan
2016/ 4 / 19 ~ 4 / 22 Belladonna-ART Exhibition 《入選》
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Ueno, Tokyo, Japan
2016/ 4 / 4 ~ 4 / 22 putit-Belladonna-ART Exhibition
Amore GINZA Art Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
2015/ 8 / 17 ~ 8 / 24 SEIBU FUNABASHI Humanimaliving® Solo Exhibition 個展
SEIBU FUNABASH Department Store, Funabashi, Chiba, Japan
2015/ 6 / 1 ~ 6 / 6 Humanimaliving® Solo Exhibition 個展
2015/ 4 / 16 ~ NOW Humanimaliving® Solo SHOW 常設展
CAFE RONCO GALLERY, Kamagaya, Chiba, Japan
2014/ 6 / 24 ~ 6 /28 ART FUSION IN NY, GROUP SHOW
Jadite Gallery, Midtown, NY,USA
2014/ 6 / 19 ~ 6 /22 Spice'n Taste MARKET Daikanyama」出展
Daikanyama Hillside Terrace, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2014/ 3 / 8 ~ 3 / 12 Charity Art Auction Exhibition ”Humanimaliving® 人間と動物の友和"
"Komazawa Park international School, Komazawa, Tokyo, Japan
2014/ 2/ 24 Special Guest Art Lecturer
"Komazawa Park international School, Komazawa, Tokyo, Japan
2013/ 10 / 2 ~ 10 / 9 Humanimaliving® 人間と動物の友和 Solo Exhibition 個展
"hana-naya" flower shop, Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan
2013 / 5 / 29 ~ 6 / 2  Spice Rack Summer Event Group Exhibition 出展
Daikanyama Hillside Terrace, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2013 / 4 / 25 西武百貨店サマージュエリーフェアーx絵画のコラボレーション2 Collaboration with SEIBU Department Store Summer Jewel fair ”Humanimaliving+ Jewel“
庭園italiano Doctore, Kamagaya, Chiba,Japan
2013 / 1 / 4 ~ 1 / 28 New Years Exhibition by Japanese Artists Group Exhibition
Gallery Mujo, Downtown, LA, USA
2012 / 12 / 19 ~ 22 Spice Rack Summer Event Group Exhibition 出展
Daikanyama Hillside Terrace, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2012 / 11/ 22 ~ 12 / 25 2012 Christmas window display decoration
"IMAGE MAKER" Hair salon, Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan
2012 / 4 / 28

西武百貨店船橋外商サマージュエリーフェアー x 絵画のコラボレーション1

Collaboration with SEIBU Department Store Summer Jewel fair ”Humanimaliving® + Jewel“

庭園italiano Doctore, Kamagaya, Chiba,Japan
2012 / 4 / 3 ~ 4 / 28 Humanimaliving® +人間と動物の友和+ Solo Exhibition 個展

Gallery Mu、Shibuya ,Tokyo, Japan

2011 / 11 / 8 ~ 11/ 16 Emerging Japanese Artists in NY Exhibition Group Exhibition
2/20 gallery Chelsea NY, USA
2011 / 6 / 3 ~ 7 / 3 人間と動物と生活とお靴たちの友和Humanimaliving® + Jewel Shoes Solo Exhibition 個展 LAS CHICAS CAFE & DINNING Aoyama, Japan
2007 / 1 / 16 ~ 1 / 21

人間と動物と生活の友和 Humanimaliving® Solo Exhibition 個展

LE DECO Gallery 1st Floor Shibuya, Japan
2006 / 12 / 18 ~ 12 / 19 Humanimal X ”Gianluca Pardin” Renaissance dinner Festa collaboration
庭園Italian Doctore Chiba, Japan
2005 / 12 / 25 Humanimal X Doctore Live Concert Music collaboration
庭園Italian Doctore Chiba, Japan
2005 / 12 / 11 ~ 1 / 31 人間と動物の友和 Humanimal Solo Exhibition 個展
Italian Doctore Gallery Chiba, Japan
2004 / 7 / 1 ~ 7 / 2 Group Exhibition Temple Gallery, Rome, Italy
2000 / 3 / 31 ~ 5 / 31  Senior Art Exhibition Group Exhibition Binney Gallery, Wilbraham, MA, USA

Professional History 職歴

2003 - Now HAKASE Corporation / Senior Art Director Responsible for production of seasonal Decorations, Pamphlet, Menu, interior, Exterior, Garden, Advertisement, Food coordinates, party decoration, Wedding,-HP www.hakase-info.com

Award/ License 受賞・入選・資格

Jun 2021 Tokyo,Japan selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition, National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
Jun 2019 Tokyo,Japan selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition, Received "KUSAKABE" Award and recommended Associate member, National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
Jun 2018 Tokyo,Japan selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition, National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
Jun 2017 Tokyo,Japan selected for this year's ”GENTEN”ART Exhibition and recommended to the rank of ”KAIYU”, National Art Center Tokyo, Roppongi,Tokyo, Japan
Apr 2016 Tokyo,Japan selected for this year's Belladonna-ART Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
Dec 2011 Tokyo,Japan Instituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffe Espresso Italiano Taster
Nov 2011 Tokyo,Japan Certified Food Analyst
Apr 2010 Tokyo,Japan Comrade of Cheese
May 2009    Tokyo,Japan WSET "Wine & Spirit Education Trust" International Higher Certificate in Wines
Sep 2007    Honolulu,Hawaii Calgel international Express Course
May 2000 Wilbraham ,MA Eveline Barber Departmental Prize for "Drawing"